1 I arranged with Jon at LeatherZ to create a leather armrest with a custom embroidered banjo centered above a Z3 logo. Over the course of several weeks, we went back and forth with design ideas and leather dyelots. Once we agreed that his latest hide matched my beige interior, it was simply a matter of waiting a couple of weeks while Jon did his work. Needless to say, I am quite pleased with the results!A banjo and a Z3, what could be more natural together?
2 The beige leather interior, sport seats, and the perfectly matched LeatherZ armrest.
3 The beige leather complements the topaz blue nicely. You can see JD's clear plexiglass windscreen mounted to the roll hoops.
4 The interior from the passenger side.
5 In November, 2000 I became aware that Jon Maddux of LeatherZ had several beige door armrests leftover from his Homecoming 2000 production run. He was letting these go at a good price and I was quite happy with the custom work he had done on my center console armrest. A short 3 days after sending Jon the funds, the armrests arrived on my doorstep, very nicely packed and clearly labeled. As usual, Jon provides excellent install instructions that even a bonehead will have a hard time screwing up.
6 The underside of the armrest reveals a little about its construction. The leather seems to be fastened tautly around foam padding that is then glued to a lexan base. Attachment to the factory vinyl armrests is via 2 strips of 3M double-stick adhesive.
7 The driver side installed shows that the leather is slightly darker than the vinyl, but matches the dotted beige leather nicely.
8 Here's the passenger side armrest installed.
9 And yet another view of the passenger armrest.